Wednesday, January 6, 2010

unit 3

How can growing up be both exciting and painful?

I believe it is painful because you have to leave your childish things behind and become an adult. You have to stop being silly all the time and start acting mature. School gets harder, you have to get a job and worry about paying bills as to when you’re a child and honestly have no worries. It is exciting because you get to go out into the world and explore you get more freedoms. You get to have an opinion that actually counts. You can vote towards how your country will be represented, who knows maybe your one vote could be the tie breaker you never know what will happen.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful details. I like your point about voting being exciting to you.

    Please, please, please edit this post. Missing commas, periods, etc.

    As is 16/20 points.
